Defining the Goal

What is creative writing? It has been defined as “the art of making things up”, the purpose of which is “both entertain and share the human experience”. Creative writing encompasses different literary forms like poetry, songs, novels, plays, movie and television shows, and even nonfiction.

Back when I was still in high school, I would both dread and eagerly anticipate attending my writing class. Dread because I felt that I lacked imagination or I was not that good at English grammar. For many years this hindered any real attempts on my part to write the stories I felt I had. But while I dreaded writing, I also found myself admiring such authors as JRR Tolkien, Robert Ludlum or even Eric Von Daniken. Like many people, I believed that I would one day write the next big novel. You could probably tell that I have not been spending much time reading. But that is all about to change. I had just finished the 4 book of Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin, another author whose detailed imagination I admire.

So improving my ability to write better and more imaginatively is a huge step in accomplishing that goal. It may not result in that great novel but this time, I fail not because I did not try. I plan to take the steps needed to improve my skills and write my first short story within 2 years from November 1, 2015.

© 2015, Norman Talon. All rights reserved.

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