Once upon a time, in a remote village in what is now known as South America, there lived a young girl named Maria. Maria lived with her Father Ramon, Mother Julia, and a younger brother Felipe. Felipe enjoyed helping his Father work the farm. Maria helped her mother with the…
Lotion Flow Limiter
We’ve all seen this before. A liquid soap or a lotion dispenser that dispenses too much product. This reminds me of those toothpaste commercials where they put toothpaste on the whole length of the toothbrush. That amount of toothpaste is not necessary. Toothpaste about the size of a pea is…
How I Made My Fireplace PlexiGlass Cover
Our fireplace was old. It no longer generated enough heat or burned with a beautiful decorative flame. But mostly it is just old. Its age was showing. I guess it is time for change. But first, we had a few decisions to make before starting. Should we replace the entire fireplace…
How I replaced the screen on my patio door
After years of neglecting the issue, I can no longer ignore the fact that the patio screen door is stuck and no longer slides properly. The rollers have broken, and the door slides off the track. It’s time to deal with this problem. Initially, I considered hiring someone to replace…
The Politics of Design: A (Not So) Global Design Manual for Visual Communication
By: Ruben Pater192 pages of colored paperbackISBN: 978-90-6349-422-7Published by: BIS Publisher, The Netherlands. “Is this a book on how to design?”. This was my first thought after I picked up this book. And this was almost the same question my daughter had when I handed her the same book many…
Upgrade your Toilet with a Bidet
I have always wondered about the buying habits of people during an emergency. For example, in an approaching snowstorm, there is always a run on milk, bread, and toilet paper. Stores run out of shovels, snow scrapers, and even snow blowers. I always wondered, “What happened to the shovel and…
By Cixin LiuTranslated by Ken LiuBook Jacket/Cover by Stephan Martiniere623 pages printed paperback, 19 pages sneak peek at SUPERNOVA ERAISBN 978-0-7653-8663-2Published by Tor Books Publishing “THE DARK FOREST” is the third and final book of the trilogy “Remembrance of Earth’s Past” by Cixin Liu. It took me longer than expected,…
By Cixin LiuTranslated by Joel MartinsenBook Jacket/Cover by Stephan Martiniere518 pages printed paperbackISBN 978-0-7653-8669-4Published by Tor Books Publishing “THE DARK FOREST” is the second book of the trilogy The Remembrance of Earth’s Past by Cixin Liu. It took much longer than I expected but, I finally finished reading the book….
Book Genres
I had just finished reading the book “The Three-Body Problem”. I found it to be very imaginative. So why am I not that excited to read the second book, “The Dark Forest”? Ever since I have enjoyed science and science fiction. That got me to thinking back to the books…
By Cixin LiuTranslated by Ken LiuBook Jacket/Cover by Stephan Martiniere416 pages printed paperbackISBN 978-0-7653-8203-0Published by Tor Books Publishing “THE THREE-BODY PROBLEM” is a Hugo award-winning novel by Cixin Liu. Cixin is China’s best-known science fiction writer. He is also the author of the short story “THE WANDERING EARTH”. The English…