I am finally at speech number 2. After all this time, I have finally made it beyond project 1, The Ice Breaker. There are a number of things I realized while preparing for this speech. I had some issues going into this speech. It took me a while to decide…
One of the goals I had set for myself is to a better creative writer and I believe that part of becoming a better writer is to become a better speaker, to be able to better articulate whatever story you have to say. I am not the best public speaker…
Learning A New Skill
Learning something new, a new skill, an art, or anything else will not be adequate without learning history. It is learning the history, the theory and terminology behind the skills you are seeking is what gives you a better understanding of more advanced concepts. And so that is where my journey…
An Introduction
I am a casual photographer. I am an amateur photographer. I am a casual amateur photographer. I take photos mostly when there are occasions, I remember the first camera I ever used, it was a Kodak Ektralite 10. The sounds of the clicking mechanisms were hypnotic. Does anybody remember that?…
Defining the Goal
What is creative writing? It has been defined as “the art of making things up”, the purpose of which is “both entertain and share the human experience”. Creative writing encompasses different literary forms like poetry, songs, novels, plays, movie and television shows, and even nonfiction. Back when I was still…